Friday, December 28, 2012

Tweener Week

Christmas has come and gone.  The packages have been opened, the wrapping paper discarded and the tree has been removed.  All that is left is waiting for New Year's Eve. 

Trying to decide what New Year's Resolutions I should make.  So many years, and so many similar resolutions.  Should I change it up, or stick with the tried and true?  Instead of change I think I will work on improvement.  It may be the same, but sounds less extreme. 

I've had an eventful year, but am tired.  Its time for the flip of the calendar and the promise that comes with a fresh year and fresh beginning.

Watch out for the road blocks and have a safe and happy new year!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December Dreaming

December is here, and the Holidays are not far away.  What at one time was something to look forward to, is now something to try and get through.  Not trying to be a Scrooge, but can't say I really am feeling the season.

The days are shorter, colder and darker.  The water is colder and darker.  My mood is darker.

But as the song says, "There's just to much to see waiting in front of me, so I can't look backwards too long!"

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day Light Savings Time

Originally Day Light Savings time was designed to maximize daylight and cut back on energy use.  Perhaps its working, but all I know is when I get home its dark.   That means no watching sunsets, and no after work surf sessions.  All seems more bleak.  Day turns to night, but slows turning back to day.  I know it will pass as all seasons do, however my first experience of it on the water front is to date not one of adulation.

Softtop riding

I resisted and resisted, but finally gave in to trying an 8'0" Costco blue ride special.  Felt like quite the beginner paddling out, but found  the board to be light and very maneuverable.  It's certainly a different ride compared to my normal 9'6" long board. 

The water is getting cold, but does tend to cull the crowds.  Had most of the breaks to myself yesterday for about 45 minutes.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lobster Run

Seems the lobster craze has ran its course.  Fewer and fewer individuals trying their hand.  We went out last weekend, but even though the sky was sunny, the water was turned up and murky.  Could literally not see your hand 2 feet away from your face.

I did manage to loose a swim fin.  Still beyond me how or when it came off.  Oh well, patience and good eye site helped retrieve it as the ocean tends to spit out the things she doesn't like.

Seaside restaurants and markets have purchased their share of the spiny crustaceans and for the right price you can still enjoy what the coast has to offer.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Lobster Season

Fall is upon the coast, and along with that comes lobster season.  Buoy floats identifying the traps dot the horizon around the kelp beds.

Yesterday I saw not less than 5 people snorkeling out to try their luck in grabbing the crustaceans by hand.  None appeared to be successful.  Although it could certainly be argued just being in the water is victory enough.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Rescue?

The siren of the deep sings to us.  Pulling us towards the bliss of the sea.  Yet I wonder, is this calling to enlighten us, or to ensnare us?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sunset walks

The weather has cooled, and I have been taking my lovable lady for walks at night.  The low tides have really exposed the beaches and makes for a very pleasent trek.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hot & Humid

September 14th, and Chrissy Russo is predicting record high tempertures for the weekend.  100 plus inland, and high 90's along the coast.  The water was already full of surfers this morning in an attempt to beat the heat.  My dog seems to suffer the most, but I have acquired a fan since the last heat wave and that should help.

As for me, my afternoon run will be at Black's Beach, and not on my usual dirt trail.  Penasquitos Canyon is beautiful, but gets very little breeze.  I plan to keep hydrated with large amounts of H2O and a myrid of local brews.  You have to love the San Diego beer scene.

The weekend is here, I say put on the board shorts, hit the water, and bring on the heat!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Breaching Dophins

I went to sleep last night excited that I had made the choice to rise early and hit the surf before work.  When the alarm went off at 6:30 I found my excitement had waned and it was all I could do to pull my sorry ass out of bed.

After a morning cup of coffee and a look out the window at an empty ocean I decided to give it a try.  I found a shorty wet suit and put it on.  Thankfully it was dry and I didn't have to deal with the cold shock of a soaking wet suit.

In the water by 7:15 and found myself alone on the ocean.  The combination of school being back in session and a fairly small swell made for some me time on the sea. 

After about 15 minutes a pod of 6 dolphins swam by.  They were playing and frolicking in the water.  Perhaps laughing at my ineptitude in the water, or maybe just enjoying the morning as well.  All were extremely active with one breaching.  It was the first time in the wild I had seen it happen and it more than paid me back for the lack of sleep.

Below is not my picture, but the best I could find that shows the breaching.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Summer's Swell

Labor Day has come and went, and with it goes the summer.  I had a great late night session with my son last Thursday.  The water was like bath water, or as close as the Pacific gets.  Surfed until dark, no "Green Flash", but then what do you expect from something that does not exist? 

Trunked it again on Sunday and caught a cold.  The water temp had dropped and more wet suits than not were seen.  Disappointing had it not been for my best wave of the summer. 
I am told fall brings bigger waves and smaller crowds.  It sounds like the perfect match.  Time will tell.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Warm Water and Small Waves

The dog days of summer are upon on us, and unfortunately for my pooch, dog beach requires a leash until Labor Day.  Tough to romp through the sand with a 6 foot leash trailing after you.

The water has warmed up, and more and more surfers are trunking it.  I'm staying with my summer wet suit, but the waves have been so small as of late it does really matter.

More people on the beach and the water.  The summer vacation rentals are a bit loud, but I force myself to remember if I were on vacation I would be drinking and staying up late as well.

Biggest bummer to date is the loss of several surf boards and wetsuits to thieves.  Someone flipped over a garbage can and used it to climb up to my second story balcony and stole my surf gear.  That sucks.

Heading out for a couple of weeks and will be returning mid August to work on my surfing in earnest.  Getting tubed is on my bucket list, and when better to do that than A Year Near the Water?

Friday, May 18, 2012

No Bad Days

It used to irritate me to see the bumper stickers with the palm trees and the words, "No Bad Days".   However, after over a month by the water I have to admit there have been very few bad days.

There is just something magical about walking into the kitchen for your morning coffee and seeing the pacific rolling ashore.  Granted the weather has been overcast, but the pelicans still fly and the dolphins still surface.

All in all I am more relaxed and generally in a better place than I have been in sometime.  Maybe a change in setting really does make a difference?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Writing for Free

Who knew writing freelance could actually mean writing for free?  LOL

Oh well.  Here's the latest must read.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Surfing with seals

Finally got in the ocean this weekend and hit some waves.  Nothing great, but as a reminder that the sea is always a good place to be a harbor seal surfaced a few feet away from us and lounged around for a few minutes.

Does make you wonder a bit what else lurks below. LOL

Dolphins have been back, and seem to hang out just west of the kelp beds.  The diving birds alert us to their where abouts, as there is much activity when they are around.

My dog has decided she no longer needs to go outside to relieve herself.  My damage deposit is all but gone.  If she doesn't change her ways, she may very well be too.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dolphin Sightings

May Gray is officially here.  The coast has been socked in for the past few days, but the sunsets still manage to peek through.

A further highlight to offset the gloomy weather was the sighting of a pod of dolphins swimming by outside the window.  Not something you see in East County.

All in all I have settled in and beginning to find a rhythm.  The dog continues to have accidents, but that could be as much acting out as anything.  Still trying to get to the root of that problem.

Only surfed once since I have been here, but plan on changing that soon.  The La Jolla 1/2 marathon is behind me know, so I can just look forward to less running and more fun time.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Moved In

Well I picked up the keys on Saturday night and enjoyed my first sun set.  Sat on the patio with a bottle of Cab and my best girl.  No "Green Flash", but it was beautiful.

Easter Sunday was a moving day, but did manage to open the doors to celebrate with a Mexican Dinner for a few friends.  Everyone seemed happy, including myself.

Day two to date has been a bit more challenging.  My dog peed on the carpet, and my son got reported to the Sheriff' department for climbing over the balcony as opposed to using a key.

Hakuna Matata, take the good with the bad.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Craig's List

Listing everything on Craig's List today, as my new place comes completely furnished, right down to the glass ware and linens.  Feels pretty strange, but its better than the stuff I have so I'm willing to go with it.

So if anyone wants some leather couches let me know.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Trouble in Paradise?

Until today, it looked like my move to SB would be seamless.  However, I received a call this morning that my new tenant was not able to access the property because my current tenant would not answer the door. 

I handled a very disgruntled phone call, made a couple myself, and ta da, they got it.  All continues to move on, but it did make me realize how precarious we are until current party is out, and the new party comfortable moved in. 

My notice is given at the apartment I have been renting.  After a year and a half of probably being one of the few who paid on time, I was a little disappointed in how they handled it.  Oh well, I guess we all have to look out for ourselves, right?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekend in Rancho Bernardo

Spending the weekend in Rancho Bernardo, or as I refer to eastern San Diego County, the "outback".  Just one more after this one.    RB/Poway area certainly has its charm.  Great hiking is all around.  Lake Hodges and Poway Lake provides ample water activities.  I will miss the trail runs, but won't miss the rest.   No more following behind vehicles with the turn signals permanently on, no more trying to find a restaurant that stays open later than 10:00 P.M., and no more standing in line at Vons while  a senior citizen counts out the change from her coin purse.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

No Renter's Remorse

Well, my check has been cashed and I have yet to have renter's remorse.  In fact I am looking forward to the move even more.

I did get the CC&Rs from the HOA, and was  a little put off by the detail, but figure noone probably pays attention to them anyway.  My main concern is where to store the surf boards.  I will have to look around and see what others are doing.

Plenty of time, another 18 days before move in.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Signed Lease

I've lived in San Diego County for over 20 years, and for all but the first year, have lived more than 10 miles from the ocean.  When I moved to So Cal, I figured it was all blue water and sandy beaches.  Yet for me it turned out to be business, lots of driving and finding affordable communities with good schools.

My youngest turned 18 this month and will graduate in June.  As for me, I'm divorced and have taken a new position in Sorrento Valley.  So I determined it was time to quit living in the outback, and to finally move towards the Pacific.

Where once, the only fear I had was one of inaction, now change comes a bit harder.  So for the last month I have been scanning Craig's List and the web for affordable living on the water.  Affordable is a relative term I know, but its what I'm using for the time being.  Over the weekend I looked at 5 different places, and one twice to make certain I really liked it.  It would be nice if the complex had a tennis court, but I decided it wasn't a deal killer.  So I made an offer.

Low and behold, after a bit of negotiating it was accepted and I signed a year lease today on a condo in Solana Beach.  Move in date is not until April 8th, but I though if I was going to chronicle the year correctly then I should commence at the beginning.