Monday, November 12, 2012

Day Light Savings Time

Originally Day Light Savings time was designed to maximize daylight and cut back on energy use.  Perhaps its working, but all I know is when I get home its dark.   That means no watching sunsets, and no after work surf sessions.  All seems more bleak.  Day turns to night, but slows turning back to day.  I know it will pass as all seasons do, however my first experience of it on the water front is to date not one of adulation.

Softtop riding

I resisted and resisted, but finally gave in to trying an 8'0" Costco blue ride special.  Felt like quite the beginner paddling out, but found  the board to be light and very maneuverable.  It's certainly a different ride compared to my normal 9'6" long board. 

The water is getting cold, but does tend to cull the crowds.  Had most of the breaks to myself yesterday for about 45 minutes.