Friday, March 30, 2012

Craig's List

Listing everything on Craig's List today, as my new place comes completely furnished, right down to the glass ware and linens.  Feels pretty strange, but its better than the stuff I have so I'm willing to go with it.

So if anyone wants some leather couches let me know.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Trouble in Paradise?

Until today, it looked like my move to SB would be seamless.  However, I received a call this morning that my new tenant was not able to access the property because my current tenant would not answer the door. 

I handled a very disgruntled phone call, made a couple myself, and ta da, they got it.  All continues to move on, but it did make me realize how precarious we are until current party is out, and the new party comfortable moved in. 

My notice is given at the apartment I have been renting.  After a year and a half of probably being one of the few who paid on time, I was a little disappointed in how they handled it.  Oh well, I guess we all have to look out for ourselves, right?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekend in Rancho Bernardo

Spending the weekend in Rancho Bernardo, or as I refer to eastern San Diego County, the "outback".  Just one more after this one.    RB/Poway area certainly has its charm.  Great hiking is all around.  Lake Hodges and Poway Lake provides ample water activities.  I will miss the trail runs, but won't miss the rest.   No more following behind vehicles with the turn signals permanently on, no more trying to find a restaurant that stays open later than 10:00 P.M., and no more standing in line at Vons while  a senior citizen counts out the change from her coin purse.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

No Renter's Remorse

Well, my check has been cashed and I have yet to have renter's remorse.  In fact I am looking forward to the move even more.

I did get the CC&Rs from the HOA, and was  a little put off by the detail, but figure noone probably pays attention to them anyway.  My main concern is where to store the surf boards.  I will have to look around and see what others are doing.

Plenty of time, another 18 days before move in.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Signed Lease

I've lived in San Diego County for over 20 years, and for all but the first year, have lived more than 10 miles from the ocean.  When I moved to So Cal, I figured it was all blue water and sandy beaches.  Yet for me it turned out to be business, lots of driving and finding affordable communities with good schools.

My youngest turned 18 this month and will graduate in June.  As for me, I'm divorced and have taken a new position in Sorrento Valley.  So I determined it was time to quit living in the outback, and to finally move towards the Pacific.

Where once, the only fear I had was one of inaction, now change comes a bit harder.  So for the last month I have been scanning Craig's List and the web for affordable living on the water.  Affordable is a relative term I know, but its what I'm using for the time being.  Over the weekend I looked at 5 different places, and one twice to make certain I really liked it.  It would be nice if the complex had a tennis court, but I decided it wasn't a deal killer.  So I made an offer.

Low and behold, after a bit of negotiating it was accepted and I signed a year lease today on a condo in Solana Beach.  Move in date is not until April 8th, but I though if I was going to chronicle the year correctly then I should commence at the beginning.